Mungkin diantara kita sudah ada yang tahu tentang ubunchu, manga jepang bertema linux ubuntu. Sebenarnya manga ini rilis pertama kali tahun 2008, dan saya juga pernah membangi link manga ubunchu

Bagi pengguna linux pada era tahun 2000an, tepatnya sejak tahun 2003 tentu banyak yang mengenal majalah InfoLinux. Majalah InfoLinux sendiri saya kenal saat pertama kali masuk kuliah tahun 2004, dan

Learn how jQuery can make your Web page or blog stand out from the crowd! jQuery is free, open source software that allows you to extend and customize Joomla!, Drupal,

Want to get started building applications for Android, the world’s hottest, fast-growing mobile platform? Already building Android applications and want to get better at it? This book brings together all

Android Essentials is a no frills, no nonsense, code centric run through the guts of application development on Google’s Mobile OS. This book uses the development of a sample application

Pro Ubuntu Server Administration teaches you advanced Ubuntu system building. After reading this ebook, you will be able to manage anything from simple file servers to multiple virtual servers to

Provides instruction on how to create a website, and then attract and drive business in its direction by means of unique design, listings in search engines and directories, linkage, and

A well-designed, easy-to-navigate website is useless if no one can find it. If your company is going to succeed in the web economy, optimizing your site for search engine visibility